Livelihood Development & Economic Empowerment

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but reveal to them, their own.” Benjamin Disraeli

Through the  Grassroots Digital Finance Hubs, Self Help Development Groups(SHDG) and the Guardian Parent Associations (GPA), LINK-UP  promotes Financial Inclusion Services, livelihood and Small Business Development activities, for hard working families and Micro Entrepreneurs from low income communities.

There are mostly of the informal sector, in need of access to financial, training, savings and advisory services. These services are designed to benefits the poor the most especially those at the base of the pyramid.

It is promoted through capacity building, coaching and assistance in procuring short term small business financing for their struggling ventures. We focus on youths and women who make up the most vulnerable groups that suffer from high rates on unemployment and poverty.
If you wish to support or finance a struggling small business as a means of alleviating poverty, you are at the right place.



This is a natural approach in mitigating abject poverty and to rebuild the resilience and Self Reliance of struggling micro entrepreneurs, IDPs and vulnerable communities.


Some visually impaired persons financed in the production of artifacts

Promoting these services remain a powerful tool for poverty alleviation among the poor who are most often forgotten.

This program is therefore, designed to mobilize the Poor, IDP and host communities, into Self Help development Groups (SHDG), that serve as a baseline collateral for credit for its members, who cannot afford bank collateral. Hence, their inability to secure financing, to enhance their self reliant and economic empowerment efforts.

Thus, our interventions are based on three aspects
1) Mobilization of Self Help Development Groups for minorities, IDPs and host communities
2) Livelihood Development Training activities for members of the SHDGs based on their needs and interest.
3) Provision of savings and lending services.

If you wish to support or finance a struggling small business as a means of alleviating poverty, please contact us. click here