Volunteer positions are open throughout the year
Volunteering provides an opportunity to positively contribute directly into the life of a needy child. It gives you a practical understanding of poverty and an opportunity to help someone out of it. It is an opportunity to have first hand working and cultural experiences, to mingle with the local people, which you will cherish for the rest of your life. It is also an opportunity for young people to accumulate work experience.

All LINK-UP Volunteers are orientated, guided and supported where necessary. Upon approval of your application, information is provided, on your volunteer placement, lodging, assistance with travel arrangements, visa procurement like invitation letters, health and safety information, and so on. We will make sure, you meet your volunteering needs and LINK-UP’s policies protect you.
LINK-UP takes very seriously its responsibilities for the safety and welfare of its beneficiaries, volunteers and the organization as a whole.
It expects its volunteers to respect professional ethics and meet the minimum standards for conduct and appearance during their period of service at LINK-UP.

LINK-UP does not ask for any form of payment from a volunteer, nor do we expect volunteers to pay any fees for their stay. However, be aware that you will be responsible for personally taking care over your living expenses such as food, lodging and transport for the duration of your visit; which LINK-UP could assist to arrange.

Volunteers can be expected to carry out from basic to more complicated task based on their duration of stay and experiences. Basic task like,
– To organizing recreational activities with children,
To more serious tasks like
– Documentation of the stories of very vulnerable children in need of sponsorship.
– Providing trauma counselling for Internally displaced children
– Helping children with reading difficulties,
– Assist in the training of local staff and teachers,
– Provide training to community groups in group management and documentation,
– Training in small business management
– project design and management and resource mobilization.

Volunteers can also engage in administrative task in the office or field task within the community and the Village Libraries, based on their interest and preference.

Volunteer Program
Unblocking Remedial Catch-up classes.
This is a volunteer program designed to help children in both urban and rural or remote communities to have access to books and learn to read. Helping a child who is unable to read and lagging behind their peers is the best gift you can offer to such a child. Most often children live with illiterate grand parent or parents struggling to provide meals for the family and cannot help them academically at home.


Summer Holiday Activities

A one month session between June and September to enable children identify their talents through extracurricular activities like sports, dance and cultural manifestations. It is also a period to promote health awareness and special literacy lesson for slow learners.

How do I get to Buea

Take a flight to the Douala International Airport Cameroon. From Douala Airport to Buea is 1hr 45min drive.  The cost of hiring a car from Buea to the Airport and back is $50.

Lodging and feeding

Several lodging options are available that ranges from home stay to hotels. Depending on the preference of the volunteer, the location and duration of work an accommodation option will be arranged prior to arrival.

Cost of lodging.

Home stay is $20 per day. This includes breakfast and supper. It is assumed that lunch will be purchased at place of work.

Those who prefer to lodge in hotels will be given the rates. The average cost per room per in Buea is $34 excluding meals. Meanwhile average cost per meal and a bottle of a drink is $7.

Thank you for showing an interest in volunteering with LINK-UP